I adore my kids. You know that. I joke about my kids. I tell cute stories about my kids. I laugh with, at and because of my kids. However, as a rule, I never unabashedly brag about my kids. Until today.
One of my favorite parts about The Middle One’s preschool is that I get to go in every few weeks and be the helper mom. I used to think co-op preschools were a scam. Make me pay all that money and then don’t even give me a break from my kid. Not only that, but I have to be in charge of other people’s kids-for free? I quit that job a few years ago- thank you very much.
(Man, I was a real sweetheart then, no? Geez!)
I have changed my tune a bit. Not only do I enjoy going into D’s class, but I actually find myself looking forward to it. The teacher is great. The class is small and manageable and each kid is quite adorable. Also, The Middle One-very much UN-like his older sister-is able to have me in his classroom and go on about his merry way as if I’m not even there. (The one time I went to The Girl’s room she cried-when I came AND when I left. I’m still scarred.)
I get the ultimate mom dream come true-watching my kid in his element. Awesome.
I’m breaking my rule and bragging today because we have had two great days with The Middle One. Yesterday, his teacher stopped me and told me she wanted to talk to me about his “exceptional” math abilities. She was almost speechless when trying to describe his performance in class that day with estimation and counting by 5s and 10s.
I came to math late in life. My husband never arrived. Needless to say we are thrilled that both of our olders seem to have taken to numbers. They can take care of our accounting. I’m a wee bit proud of the math nerd. What can I say?
So, riding high on the Mother of the Math Genius cloud, I arrived at school today and almost teared up with pride.
He is not only great with numbers, he is a great student and all around guy. He listens to the teacher while also actively and enthusiastically participating in everything from story time to silly songs. He seems to get along with each group of kids in the class. In fact, the only conflict today came when three different boys were literally fighting over who He should sit next to. The Middle One said, “Mrs. S, I have a problem. X and Y and Z all want me to sit next to them and I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. What do I do?”
Ugh-who wouldn’t brag about that?
Ugh-who wouldn’t brag about that?
I know he’s delightful. I also know he can try my patience like no other creature alive. I was a teacher once and I know that kids are not always the same at home and school. To have a child that teachers like and kids like and is likable even at home-well, that is the Parents’ Trifecta.
So excuse me if I brag-just for today.
PS-The Girl just came home from school and read me a note from her teacher. The teacher said, “she is blessed to have a student like F.”
I mean-what a day!!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
They are so great because of YOU! You brag about them and I'll brag about you. 🙂
i think you certainly have bragging rights and we don't mind whatsoever!
Always knew they were amazing!:-)
love it!
yayy for them!
This totally put a smile on my face! Congrats.
You brag all you want – you deserve it. They are three great kids – even little Stewie:)
Perhaps the math gene came from his Aunt??? I am the accountant.