Some days, my musical mood is inexplicable. This is one of those days. Maybe it’s the new Flo Rida song that has me remembering an old Violent Femmes favorite. Maybe it’s my daughter’s first crush that has taken me back to those gloriously painful days of unrequited love. Whatever the reason, lately I’ve been feeling the love for all the songs I imagined would be on the mix tape “that” guy would make for me when he fell madly in love with me. Alas, I never got such a mix tape because as we all know, that guy never loves anyone more than himself. These songs bring me back to that time of giant boom boxes and all the promise their little speakers emitted. “If I just try harder to look like I care less, then he’ll notice me for sure.” You remember don’t you?
Today it’s skinny jeans and Sketchers Back then it was hair that hung just so over one eye, Vans and a chain from the back to front pocket securing an inevitably empty wallet, you know, so he could skate man.
Oh, how I loved Him.
Viva La Hipster.
Violent Femmes: Good Feeling- This song might be about getting high. When you’re a tortured teen you want it to be about you.
The Cure: Pictures of You– I mean c’mon. You’re surprised?
This Smiths: There is a Light That Never Goes Out- Someone actually did put this on a mix tape for me once. He wasn’t a hipster though, he just thought he was. Either way, it was lovely for fifteen year old me.
Jeff Buckley-Last Goodbye: I was actually older than I care to admit when this song was popular. I probably should have been over my “pining for those guys” phase, but I wasn’t. What can I say? I loved ’em a little tortured back before I married Mr. Well Adjusted. Every wise woman knows you pine for Tim Riggins but marry Jason Street. <wink>
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Oh how my Morgantown heartstrings get pulled to the floor on the first note of Jeff Buckley’s song. Ouch. This song still makes me feel like I should go roller blade w/Donovan around the Law Building in my cutoff jean shorts and flannel shirt. Ouch, those years are pixie dust now but with Mr. Buckley’s help, I feel mournful and sanctimonious all over again. HayZeus, we were tortured youth weren’t we? 🙂
Tortured and yet we still managed to have a pretty good time.:)