I watched a show last night where they compared the Mother’s Day and the Father’s Day that happened every year in the family. It was hilarious and dangerously close to home.
It seems Mother’s Day we’re treated to homemade breakfast of some sort or we get the joy of taking the entire family to a restaurant. Then we spend the rest of “our” day bonding with everyone. One year we went to the zoo together. Another we walked around the National Mall for hours. Of course we moms love this on some level because we love our family and spending time all together doesn’t happen that often. We usually end the day smiling because we have had a fun day and are now the proud owner of at least one homemade tchocke or marigold plant in a painted pot or heart pin that our kids made from school.
Father’s Day on the other hand usually means dad might have a home made breakfast and then heads out for 6-8 hours of golf. Possibly he’ll come home after and grill himself some chicken that mom has bought, prepared and made the side dishes for. There will also be a lovely gift that is age appropriate and picked out by mom. There may be hand made gifts, but those will be a nice addition to his new book or running shoes or watch.
I am not begrudging dad his day, (although every year I think I should get more serious about golf.) I just wish it were a more equitable split. More importantly, I wish moms could ask for a more equitable split without feeling guilty. I mean, who can say they don’t want to spend time with their kids and feel good about it?
Actually, maybe me.
I would love nothing more than to wake up…in a hotel on Mother’s Day. I would love breakfast in bed but from room service. Then I might like to take a walk around town alone, just me and my iPod turned up to adult music instead of Justin Beiber. I’d probably throw in a massage mid-day followed by a long, hot shower that is angst free because there is no one outside the door writing with permanent marker on my wall or pulling the keys off my laptop. Then I’d love nothing more than to have a limitless sitter so I could meet my husband for a nice dinner where we could talk as long as we want and still possibly even see some live music before returning home to my real life.
That would be my perfect Mother’s Day-24 hours pretending I’m not a mom but rather just a girl, with a cute boyfriend who does what she wants all day long without having to worry about anyone else. It would be Anti-Mother’s day and just the thought of it isn’t winning me any mother of the year awards. But it’s the truth. That is what I’d want. Now, I could only handle it for one day-the not being a mom part. But that one day? It would be glorious.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
you described heaven on earth, if just for one day. maybe next year you and i will have the cojones (sp?) to ask.
One word "DITTO"!:-)