This face. This is the face I see whenever I look at you. This sweet baby face, no matter how far away, is the face I’ll always see. Probably because, no matter how tall you get, no matter how much of an athlete you become, no matter how many 100% report cards you bring home, you will always be my sweet, cuddly Angel Bear Baby.
Now, you are ten.
You are smart and funny and have this unshakeable sense of justice that is both blessing and curse. On one hand, you will always make the right choices, of this I am sure. On the other, your very fair/unfair black and white world will ultimately hurt your feelings as you see that most other people don’t live up to the incredibly high bar you have set for yourself and others.
You teach me every day. From you I learn discipline and work ethic and confidence in decisions made. I also learn what a beautiful thing loyalty is. I see you with your little brother and it warms my heart. No matter how much he drives you crazy sometimes, you are fiercely protective of him and it is lovely to see.
Your heart hurts for others and you agonize over being a good man and doing the right thing.
My heart hurts because it is so full of love and pride for you. I look at you and see how you’re growing and even though it’s still that baby face in my eyes, they clearly see how amazing you are and what an asset to the world you will continue to be.
I love you, sweet Angel Bear. I feel so lucky to be your mom.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.