As if in a dream, while lying in bed early in the morning, I heard The Middle One get The Baby out of his crib and make grand promises of Clifford and Corn Flakes.
Then off they went, downstairs to take care of themselves. It was blissful. I was so proud of The Middle One as Big Brother. Usually he is tormenting The Baby and beating him up.
I guess he figured since I was still in bed, he was in charge. Adorable.
This is what I woke to find.
Check out how many stinking flakes are in that bowl!! (Not to mention on the floor.) I guess Big Brother has some teaching to do when it comes pouring your own cereal. 
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.