I am officially outnumbered. Yesterday at the dinner table I politely picked up my dishes from the table mid-meal and finished alone at the kitchen counter. Why? Because all three of my children had each other in hysterics making raspberry noises across the table-barely (BARELY) not spitting their food all over the dining room.
I tried, in vain, to get them to be quiet and eat like civilized humans, but who are we kidding? children are not civilized humans-at least not mine.
In their defense, the older two would listen to my plea for a few minutes and go back to eating their dinner quietly only to be interrupted by their way less reverent (see Facebook post about poop art) little brother spitting his carrots out with aplomb.
I finally gave up and walked away. Quite honestly, it was either leave the table, or laugh at the hilarity of it myself. It was pretty funny.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Reminds me of hilarious antics at the Mylod dinner table with Lala trying not to laugh. Aunt Kathy