Yesterday I wore exactly five outfits. I spent the morning running carpool in the mom uniform of khakis and a “dressy” tshirt. Then I headed to the gym so I had on sweats and a bathing suit.
I showered at the gym, put on makeup and changed into business casual attire so I could deliver products to people and run errands. Even though I had two kids with me, I dress professionally for errands because you never know who you’ll meet while out and about. Sure enough, the lady at the tuxedo shop is my newest client.
I fed my boys a quick (late) lunch then headed to pick up my first grader and take all three to dance class. We flew home from dance in time for me to cook a quick dinner, change into hip-mom clothes and attend back to school night.
At 9:00pm I was on the phone, in pajamas, conducting an interview.
My head was spinning at bed time thinking of what I had to the next day. With all this action and back and forth of clothes and personas I still felt a sense of calm.
I have learned that being a full time work from home mom is all about attitude. I could (and have in the past) have been easily overwhelmed by the day. It was packed full of activity and went back and forth between mom and professional. Instead of being overwhelmed, I decided to focus on how lucky I was that I got to pick my kids up from school and take them to dance class.
Instead of getting angry that my job cut into Playdoh time, I decided to be happy that my kids could come with me when I did my job. We sang songs in the car. They met some of my clients. They even got some unexpected treats from women who were happy to be handed their cleanser by two blond little boys.
When I was on hold yesterday I heard a recording of Mary Kay Ash. She said, no one who ever exceeded in life did so by working 9 to 5. I kept that in mind all day yesterday as I went much later than nine. I am choosing to exceed-not just exist.
Sometimes, when you work from home, and always, when you run your own business; finding balance is all about deciding to do so.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
i commend you. mom days are long. professional mom days are long and then 12 more hours on top of that. great job at finding that balance that makes it all possible.