I instagramed (don’t you love how we just make up words a lot lately) this picture of my produce the other day with something like that snarky caption. I felt bad about the snark, but not about the thought behind it. See, as a coach I hear all the time how eating healthy is too expensive.
I get it. Seriously, I do. When we’re on a cleanse and we need a bucket-full of cucumbers and Trader Joes charges me $3 for two, I get that eating healthy can SEEM expensive. It can be, very expensive if you shop at only one store and buy all the healthy stuff on top of all the crap that you’ve been buying for years.
That’s how I started anyway and it was insane how high my grocery bills are. But over the years I’ve scaled way, way back on the processed “meals” and snack foods and just tried to stick to whole foods and my bills have become way more manageable.
Especially in the summer when I can browse the farmers’ market for everything from cucumbers to freshly baked bread. All this loot the other day was only $17.
Yes, seventeen dollars for a dozen eggs, and enough produce to make a few salads, side-dishes and smoothies. Not to mention the fruit I got for beach snacks was cheaper and more delicious than what I got from Whole Foods the week before.
I’m not trying to be snarky again (although it seems I am). I’m merely reflecting on the wonder of buying straight from the source-farmers. When you cut out the shipping, packaging and advertising, suddenly, eating healthy is downright frugal.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.