Reinventing Family Health with Essential Oils
All moms want what’s best for their kids. Having a varied toolbox for keeping children healthy has always been at the top of that list. Essential oils are an important part of that toolbox. We use oils to help with many different things around our house. Things like:
- Anxiety & Mood
- Immune support
- Chemical free cleaning
- Self-Care
When my kids were little, I used oils with them. Not only did it help with their health, but they served as a tool for bonding as well. Now that I’ve got teenagers, they know what works for them and they are the first to reach for oils when they need them. Even my skeptical husband has his allergy rollers and immune supporters right next to the bed!
I’d love to help you learn more about how oils can help around your house. Contact me to chat about what may work for you. Or go check out my DoTerra oils site for information about all the products you may use with your children and around your home.