My sister called yesterday to check on me because I hadn’t written a post. It’s funny actually, because she was right. I explained to her that I was fine, but that I took the old advice that if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all. I just didn’t have anything good to share yesterday and every time I sat down to type, grouchiness is all that came out.
There is nothing, “wrong”. I am just full. You know when kids are about to grow, you can start seeing them pack on the pounds and then poof-seemingly overnight they outgrow all their pants? They sleep like zombies for a week or so and then they grow-just like that. It is as if they are cocooning-storing up all that they have gained in new knowledge and nutrition and life experience and then when they get too full, the stretch to accommodate their new self.
Well, that’s how I feel. I have certainly packed on the pounds-but that’s another post entirely. I also feel like I am so full of new knowledge, life-changing experience, questioning and wondering that I need to stretch. I can’t share anything because quite honestly there is just too much swirling around for me to even make sense of it. I just need a few days of cocooning-storing and protecting and growing-before I-poof just like that-outgrow my old self.
In the meantime, enjoy the munchkins.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
take your time. we're all here when you feel ready to swoop about. : )
p.s. sometimes grouchy days make the best posts. (could also very well be that i'd never ever write if i couldn't do it grouchy. awful, isn't it? i'm working on it. my kids deserve a happier mom.)