It is a very dreary day here in Circus Land. The rain is incessant and with two active boys that is challenging at best. We’ve been to the gym. We’ve done puzzles. We’ve watched more TV than is probably good for the kids’ brains. Now, they are playing quietly with the “office toys”. These are bins I keep in my office that they are only allowed to play with while I work to keep them occupied for a few minutes at least.
I processed some makeup orders and had a few minutes left of peace so I meandered on over to Facebook. I read some updates (everyone is trapped indoors with kids!) and then read one of those 25 Random Things notes from a “boy” I used to know in elementary school.
I always liked him and it turns out-at least from his 25 things-I was right to like him. He has grown up into quite an accomplished man with what seems to be the same good character he had when he was nine.
This is why I love Facebook. I know everyone makes fun of me for it and I accept that I could probably be doing something more constructive with my time. But really, isn’t there value in reconnecting and keeping up with old friends even if it’s only through cyber space? I love the people that have come through my life over the last 30 plus years and without FB I would no longer be in touch with most of them. Now, I know their kids, their home towns, their jobs. From some I even get daily updates that let me peek into their humour and get a sense of who they are today. Yes, there are millions of terrible photos of me out there because of these friends (witness the above gem) but I can handle it. It has become especially important in these lonely first days in a new town. At least somewhere out there I have friends-even if locally I am only tied to the deli owner.
Mock all you want smug FB haters. Sure, you may have fancy jobs and a life that leaves you “too busy for all that computer stuff” but I think I’m the smart one this time. I am connected and loving it, even if I am sick to death of quiz results!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.