One of the things I pride myself on as a health coach is helping people come up with wellness solutions that work in their real lives. The truth is, real life is busy and messy and hard. Staying healthy, and working at maximum capacity often require more than we can fit in a day.
For example fighting oxidative stress. Oxidative stress comes into play when our metabolism can’t fully neutralize free radicals, the nasty little buggers that float around stripping vital elements of cells and wreaking overall havoc in and out of us. Oxidative stress can lead to premature aging and be the forerunner to such chronic conditions as fatigue , poor weight management and even some degenerative diseases. It’s pretty clear if your body is under the thumb of oxidative stress, you’re not functioning at full capacity. This stress can be exacerbated by diet choices, sun exposure, exposure to toxins in our water and the air, like cigarette smoke.
The good news is we can fight this oxidative stress by giving our body what it needs to keep the free radicals at bay like essential vitamins and minerals. Now, you can get most of these from food, but again, in real life we don’t always have time to eat every single important thing we need every day.
Enter REBOOT, the nifty little pouch that packs a punch. REBOOT contains powerhouse ingredients like dandelion root, angelica and lemon balm that provide your body some of what it needs to combat oxidative stress.
I got to try REBOOT this month. (You can check out my trip to Duane Reade buy it here on Google+.) I was intrigued by the packaging of REBOOT. Its pouch is split into two parts, one part containing purified water and the other containing a powder made up of six naturally derived antioxidant rich plant and fruit extracts. They are kept serarate until right before you drink it to avoid any oxidation and ensure you get the most powerful dose of antioxidants possible.
You are supposed to squeeze the packet until the water bursts through to the powder
Then shake it up
And drink.
I poured mine into a cup because drinking from that pouch seemed tricky but if you’re on a run or away from your house, it is possible.
I tried REBOOT during one of the busiest weeks of my life and I can honestly say I didn’t feel as tired as I normally would have without the REBOOT. The company also suggests you use REBOOT after exercising and even after a night of “indulgent food and drink”. I’d be interested to see how it works for both.
The best part, I think, is that REBOOT is a product with ingredients that I know work and it’s packaged in such a way that the valuable vitamins and minerals are as close to their natural state as possible, which is perfect for my busy clients who want the benefits of a healthy diet but don’t always have time to eat all their nutrients in food.
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric ® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias®, Duane Reade and REBOOT. All opinions in this post are my own. #RebootDR, #cbias, #SocialFabric
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
I’ve tried this product and i LOVE it. Also, I found in interesting that my pee isn’t bright yellow like when I take vitamins (although this product has MORE vitamin C than my usual vitamin). I later found out it’s because of the fact that your body can absorb most of the vitamins compared to the pill form.
It is pretty cool that it’s all food derived and you can see it. The packaging is pretty impressive and I think has most to do with that.
What a unique design for the package! Genius to provide a way to mix right in the pouch. I have more days than I’d care to admit to in which I know I’m not meeting all my nutritional needs. Love the ability to give myself a boost so quickly and effectively. Thanks so much for sharing your experience!