This is a different kind of recipe. We made play dough today and I am here to attest it never gets old. We got this recipe from The Boys’ Preschool and it is a go-to for a fun morning. The kids are old enough now they can help with the cooking portion. When it’s finished it is still one of the few things that hold their attention forever-even longer than the store bought kind for some reason. Yesterday I was on the phone with an old friend for so long that my cell phone actually died. Yes, that long. The kids made pink dough creations the entire time. This stuff is magic, I swear.
Ingredients: It is a lot of each so make sure you’re pantry is stocked before you make any promises**
3 C Flour
1 C Salt
3 Tbl cream of Tartar
3 C Water
3 Tbl Oil
Food Coloring (no one eats it so use all the red you want!)
Optional-a small amount of Vanilla helps cancel out the weird smell but it also may encourage eating as it smells like cookies.
1. Mix dry ingredients in bowl or large saucepan
2. Mix water and food coloring in small bowl
3. Add water and oil to dry ingredients in saucepan and stir over very low heat until you think your arm may fall off.
4. Place finished dough in bowl and refrigerate or freeze for about 20 minutes to cool.
5. Enjoy the creating. It’s quite therapeutic actually.
**Oh man have I learned that lesson the hard way. The crying when there’s no promised playdough can be heard ’round the world. Damn you cream of tartar!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Um, these photos are amazing!
Thanks. I fancy myself a shutterbug so I will carry that comment around in my pocket forever!
Oh, wait. Did you mean the header photos? In that case, ignore my earlier idiocy and know those were taken by a very talented pro. Ha! Duh.