Last night, mid Jets game, I heard a mother’s most feared sound: feet racing to the bathroom followed by, “moooom, I’m sick”.
Yep, The Middle One is sick and while it’s really not so horrible in the grand scheme of things it did require some shuffling (thanks to the mom who traded me a preschool coop day!).
It all worked out fine. I’ll push my work off until tonight and enjoy the precious alone time with my boy.
I can’t help but wonder though, how do moms who work outside the home do it? When I did have a job to leave for every day, my husband had a very different job. He could sometimes stay home if someone was sick. Now, he’d almost never be available and it seems like at least every other week, between snow and illness, there is some quick change of plans. What would I do at midnight when someone was puking? How would I call a sub at nine o’clock on a Sunday for Monday morning? I’d surely be fired for the amount of time I’d have to take off with three kids and their winter illness schedules.
I am lucky we can do what we do. I am lucky I have been able to pick up and cobble together enough random work income to keep me from having to get a full time gig. I am lucky my husband, my kids, and I have been able to weather the sacrifices that come with one full-time salary.
I am lucky.
I will try to remember that, as I spend my day ear-deep in bodily fluids.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.