Last night my dream had me surrounded by a room full of men.
They were unidentifiable. I don’t know who any of them were. They all had one thing in common. Blue eyes? Shaved, tanned chests (yeah-I dig that-don’t judge)? Thick heads of black hair? Nope…Just- big brains.
Yes, these men were all sitting around talking about really smart stuff-like the newest Supreme Court Judge and Health care Reform.
I was so intellectually turned on and elated to be in their company. It was so satisfying not only to be around but to be included in intelligent conversation.
I was so intellectually turned on and elated to be in their company. It was so satisfying not only to be around but to be included in intelligent conversation.
Do you know the best part of this dream?
The climax if you will?
I sashayed myself over to a particularly intelligent man. I curled myself up next to him. I laid my head down on his lap and…fell asleep.
I think I need some adult conversation.
I think I need a nap.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
LOL I love a big brain and smart talk (and a nap).
rahm's so dreamy. pun not originally intended, but hey, it works 😉
did he do some handyman work or cleaning first? oh wait, that's my dream. 🙂
one vote for date night.
LOVE it!
And yes, you poor thing, sounds like a nap with adult conversation is definitely needed. Perhaps an adult nap with tan conversation? A thick, blue-eyed man nap and no conversation. Okay, I'm done.
Either that or a date night w/the husband on Capitol Hill.