It’s heating up kids. Beach season opens TOMORROW! It’s time to roll down the windows and play the music loud.
I mean, how can I not start with this? Also, the video starts with my favorite commercial. Before he became Mr. Smith and he still had a BFF named Jeff.
My oldest knew the words to this song before she could even properly say the words. Summer Girl.
I never said these were all Good songs!
Also, does this guy maybe look like Prince William? You Tube says, he died. This guy, not Prince William.
Maybe it’s just me…
I’m a sucker for a song about summer love almost as much as I used to be a sucker for summer love.
Don’t forget your sunscreen!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.