I think my girl might have her first crush. I mean of course she has had crushes before but they have all been on her Uncles. This time, the crush is on a peer and it is flippin‘ adorable.
I picked said crush up from school yesterday and took both kids back to His house because my Middle One and Crush’s brother were playing there after their school.
The Girl and The Crush are not in the same class this year, but out they both came each holding a hand of last year’s kindergarten teacher. As soon as The Girl saw me she dragged The Crush over reminding him he was riding with us. She grinned like I’ve never seen before. She chased him. She giggled. She teased him. She giggled.
He was oblivious. Of course.
Flippin‘ Adorable.
I, as any good mother would do, immediately flashed forward to what a cute story it will be when they get married. You know-friends since kindergarten and all.
He is just so nice and he has a great family. So what they’re seven? It could happen.
It is fun getting to be in love all over again with your kids. Don’t get me wrong, I love being married, but I do miss the days when my heart beat out of my chest and it was hard to breathe because HE (whoever he was at the time) was walking toward me.
I remember teasing and chasing and giggling-just like she did yesterday.
I am sure if you dig around my basement you will find notebooks filled with Cristie (fill in new last name here) written all over them.
You never get to do that again when you are married. So I just might live a little vicariously through The Girl. I will watch her beam at her Crush. I will laugh when she punches him in the arm. I will pretend I don’t notice when she tells me stories about him ALL DAY LONG.
I will let her live her own crushes. But I will enjoy them (secretly) for myself too.
I just hope I don’t pine away as much this time when, inevitably, our hearts get broken.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
too cute! pretty sure there are some of those notebooks at my house too. 🙂
p.s. danny phantom is kinda hot.
so precious! 🙂 My 5 year old has HER first crush as well. Only HERS is on the cartoon character Danny Phantom. I swear, my children arent normal…