Seen the commercial for the scooter that has sparks? Yeah-sparks. Real live fire that shoots out of the back of your KID’S FREAKIN‘ SCOOTER. There is your kid, rubber shoe sole one and one half inches from fire. Genius.
Remember that Saturday Night Live skit where the guy made the kids’ toy Bag O’ Glass?
Tell me smart fire-shooting scooter inventors, how are you different?
The best part is if you go online for information you will find reviews from parents that are less then pleased because pieces broke off or the sparks didn’t last long enough. What?!?! You bought your kid a fire breathing scooter and your big complaint is not enough FIRE? One lady said, “my son still wants it, but overall I’m not pleased.” I’m sorry, not pleased with your fire toy? Such a shame.
What is wrong here? Is it me?
It is definitely not me.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
lol! and my kids would so be turning around to see the sparks, and crash!
something tells me my brother already has one.