What is it about having a daughter that sometimes brings out my inner insecure high-school self?
Yesterday we’re at The Girl’s ballet class Picture Day. As you can imagine I am already out of my element because everything is so girly and pretty and sweet. I just needed one freakin’ softball mitt or hockey stick and I would have been fine.
She had on an adorable outfit and her cheeks and lips were appropriately rouged, but here hair was nowhere near the requisite bun. It more resembled a messy pony tail with 10-15 bobby pins sticking out every which way. I don’t own hairspray and while it is on my mind to buy for recital night, I just didn’t think about if for pictures. It was a good dry run. Now I know we might need a few days off school before the recital in order for me to get the bun right.
Needless to say, I guess my defenses were up. So when we arrive and are pointed in the right direction by some lovely older dancers and finally our teacher, The Girl heads for what we assume is the back of the line. The little dancer(perfectly bunned might I add) next to F says, (in her snarkiest S.H.S snotty girl voice) “Ugh, why do you always have to sit in front of everyone?”
In my brain I immediately went to the high school locker room after basketball practice where The Beautiful Girl asked me if I, “meant to where my hair that way”. (This was during the “Grow Out of 1990.” My mom butchered my hair for most of my childhood and in 10th grade I had to transition. This girl had amazing shiny black locks and she cut right into my weakest spot. I’m still so scarred that I hope every day I see her now so I can swing my fabulous hair IN HER FACE! Ahem. Because I’m sure she still cares!)
Back to present day. In my brain I said, “listen snot, this is practically the nicest kid you’ll ever meet. She thought it was the BACK of the line so just back off.”
What I really said was…”oh sorry let’s scoot back here F.”
I kept my mouth shut of course. I mean this is a little girl after all. But what the heck made Mama Bear so bear like? Yikes.
In the car on the way home (still not over it) I asked The Girl if her classmate was always like that.
Here’s what she said, “Like what?”
Still pressing on I said, “You know, all (imagine my whiniest voice here) why do you have to sit in front of everyone all the time?”
“No, she’s nice. She’s probably just mad that in class I seem to always get in the front of the line.”
Oops-Tiny Snot was right. Sorry Tiny Snot, I guess My Girl isn’t perfect-beyond the obvious bun. And Mama Bear clearly has a lot to learn.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Confession first … I did not read past "I don't own hairspray" because I was so excited that there is another Mom out there like me! I have 3 kids; oldest son played basketball at DeMatha; middle daughter thought most of her life that she would be playing basketball at DeMatha; and then God gave us a third child, a daughter,who we tried to force into basketball but we could not handle watching her "prance" around the court. OMG!!!! So we gave in and let her try dance. She has been dancing for 5 years and is a beautiful dancer. So I am here to tell you that you can love sports and support your dancer, too. It is one heck of a transition … but it can be done! Now back to the rest of that article (I hope this post has "something" to do with the rest of the article.)
So much easier with boys. A hard shove, maybe a few punches and there off playing video games together five minutes later.
I need a name!!! Who was it because that is so NOT the way we work at Shoreline!!!!!!!! If I or Heather had heard that we would have taken care of it right then. All we talk about in class (besides dance) is respecting each other and being kind to one another. (I actually have a guess to who it might be.) We'll have to talk. And F looked adorable! Can't wait to see that picture. That class is one of my favorites. Sorry it was so crazy that I barely said hi.