When one is running errands in a car all day…alone, there are countless songs that take on new meaning.
If no children are present, the windows go down, the volume goes up and a girl is free to
Rock the Heck Out (curse words and all)
Or openly weep about her missing babes. (Then find out this is an American Idol kid and weep at how you may be losing your music Mojo.)
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Hi!!! Just stopping by to say hi. Found your BlogHer post, but couldn’t comment on it. Thank you for the link back! I couldn’t figure out which one I was, then I had to look up “moxie”. THANK YOU!!
As for music — a preschool friend that I reconnected with over Facebook messaged me one day that she was listening to Christina Perri’s “Thousand Years”, and she began crying thinking about me and my kids and how I had a tough time getting them into the world. That is now my FAVORITE song to blast in the car. I think of my friend, and I think of my kids and it makes me so happy. 🙂
GREAT catching up to you at BlogHer! Where are you off to next in the Blogosphere world?
Jen 🙂
Hmm. Thanks for telling me. Not sure why. I’ll have to figure that out!
Just saw part two of your comment! I’m off to a conference called PowerUp soon. It’s in DC. Go check it out, I think you’d find it interesting. Thanks for coming by. I am so impressed all the time with the work you’re doing at WMB. You ladies are amazing!
I love cranking up the music at home or in the car when my kids aren’t around. So much fun!
For sure. I must look like such a fool to the people stopped next to me at lights or train tracks!