Back in the good old days when I worked full time we had someone who cleaned our house twice a month. (Mind you, we feverishly cleaned every night before she was to arrive because we couldn’t possibly let her see our house dirty. What is THAT phenomenon, cleaning for the cleaners?) She and her team came and did the deep cleans that my husband and I didn’t have time for, or more likely didn’t want to spend our time on.
It was glorious to have a clean house, but the more my children started to move around and eat off floors (don’t judge), the more I began to wonder what was in all those cleaning products that gave my house That Smell two times a month. You know the one that you can smell as soon as you start walking toward the front door and starts to burn your nose hairs as soon as you open it?
My Super Sniffer being routinely accosted by That Smell led me to research and purchase (and sometimes make in my own kitchen, again with the judging) non-toxic cleaning products. It took a lot of trial and error for me to find ones that weren’t outrageously expensive but also worked. It is a delicate balance:earth/child friendly and effective.
When I finally did settle on a line of products I used them religiously and asked my cleaning woman to do the same. She smiled and nodded and took all the bottles and reusable cloths but somehow my house mysteriously smelled more like bleach than verbena on the days she was there.
When we moved and I left my job, cleaning services became a thing of the past. I have logged more hours bent over my toilet and tub than I care to admit but at least now I always know what is being sprayed and it is safe enough that lately I can let my kids go to town with spray bottles on the bathroom. (Goodbye toilets, hello manicures!)
Now, as I embark on more and more work outside the house my husband has started to inquire about hiring someone again. Instead of being offended at the slam against my mad House-Keeping Skills, I dove right into that research!
What I found was a lovely little company called EcoMaids. They promise a “spotless” home using all earth and child friendly products. That means a clean house without that toxic smell. I’m not going to lie, I assumed it would be majorly expensive and thus, cost prohibitive.
Lucky me then that they offered to let me review their services for one complimentary clean. (Thank you Blog Gods.)
Let me tell you how pleasantly surprised I was. The products the women use are indeed non-toxic AND effective but the service is even more exceptional than the idea of good green cleaning. They take off their shoes at the door and wear special crocs so as not to drag anything into the house. They were pleasant to talk to and very patient which is important in case your preschooler is running around in his pajamas when they get there and you have to explain how none of your kids use top sheets and you only have top sheets for your bed because all the fitted ones are ripped. (Not that that happened or anything. I’m just saying in case it did they would be super nice to you.)
The women were thorough and quick so my house was sparkling clean and I didn’t have to wait all day for it! Also, and this is the best part, they weren’t crazy expensive. The initial clean is always more because they get down to the nitty gritty, but the overall pricing is equivalent to any other professional service out there and with EcoMaids you can guarantee a safe and Green clean.
Now, that is cleaning I can get behind paying for.
*Thank you to Ceflyn and her amazing team from EcoMaids Monmouth County. Yes, this service was complimentary for the purpose of this review, but you can be sure I’ll be calling these ladies again on my own dime. They were that good.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Marketing and Advertising all my life has lead us to believe that a lemony pine-sol smell or a bleach smell is the smell of a clean home. Now, I believe a clean home emits very little order. There are still a lot of products out there being advertised to cover up smells. Usually sprays or mist, which makes me wonder about what toxins they may be putting in the air.
Thank you